We require passion.
We apply our passion to our interests. Our passion is often where we have demonstrated knowledge and expertise. Passion is driven by the people involved and the values they support.
Access Ventures is focused on supporting entrepreneurs and organizations that are seeking to make a dramatic impact in the markets they serve.

Affinity Marketing
Affinity marketing is a proven method of distributing products and services to consumers. Companies that understand that the best affinity programs are designed to connect with customers' passions, interests and needs can be compelling, high potential ventures worthy of investment. Our extensive experience building strategic partnerships with leading affinity groups including professional associations, employers, alumni groups, lifestyle/enthusiast markets, financial institutions and Internet partners is not just "value added" intentions but reflects real expertise related to the design, execution and maturing of affinity marketing programs is unparalleled. An example of business based on the passions and affinities of consumers is www.Martini-Media.com - which is creating a network of affinity based content sites that serve high-net worth audiences.
Business Processes
Opportunities for improving business processes and particularly seeing if new technology or process applications can capture latent value for either the business owner, consumer or both are particularly interesting. So many times, as consumers we provide information to businesses, but they fail to use it or fail to apply it as a form of newly applied intelligence. A simple example of this is when an airline or travel agent also helps provide you with either car rental or hotel information.
Higher Education Businesses
Education is a primary focus of our investments because of its impact on people's lives and because there are tremendous opportunities in around college and universities. Importantly, we are interested in businesses that affirm the idea, and the ideals, of a university, of its transformative purposes of teaching, learning, and research. We are particularly focused on opportunities that better enable college students to select, apply and enroll in a college or university of their choice. Though our focus is on opportunities surrounding post-secondary education, we are believe that the most enduring businesses are those that work collaboratively with colleges and universities.
Media & Marketing Services Businesses
We see great opportunities surrounding the changes in how consumers make decisions and how marketing (in all of its forms) seeks to influence consumer behavior. One example is an investment in www.BzzAgent.com - a highly regarded word-of-mouth marketing and research business. Another example is TheBump, www.thebump.com which has is an upscale local guide for pregnant women. TheBump offers an integrated online and off-line approach for advertisers seeking to reach this important life-event. Media is rapidly changing due to the impact of tablet computing and native applications that give consumers new and expanding power over the media they consume creating valuable alternatives for new entrants.
Networked Businesses
Tremendous value is created thru the creation of new networks. Networks create new markets but require time and patience to build. The business venture, Y2M and its College Publisher software was a pioneer in building the first national network of over 800 college student newspapers. The value the network creates reaches a critical threshold that benefits not only each affiliate but also its users and businesses seeking to serve those users.