A friend recently suggested Tina Seelig's - What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 - and I found it to be a terrific collections of the messages I try to frequently share with young-adults and fellow entrepreneurs. The stories that illustrate the importance of mindset to problem solving, the practical tips about how to build a career and reputation are not just good reminders but the book also contains practical advice about how to do it in life.
My 12 year old son, asked me - why are you reading this book if you aren't 20. I said some messages are timeless and it is good to remind myself of them. Then he asked to read it and I think it has had a positive impact on his mindset and view of entrepreneurs.
If you don't want to be seen walking around with the book for 20 year-olds or to have it on your iPad, then just watch the video below. Even still, I recommend having the real book and seeing how it can start conversations.
In : Entrepreneurship
what i wish i knew when i was 20. tina seelig