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Top 7 - Not to Be Missed Topics from 2014

Posted by John Fees on Wednesday, January 21, 2015, In : Higher Education 

2014 was filled with many experiences, events and articles have stayed with me and continue to make me think about challenges facing the U.S. education system. Here is a summary of major topics and themes that are worth more thought.

During a Young Presidents' Organization luncheon prior to the annual ASU GSV Summit on Education Innovation, I listened to Jeff Selingo (author of College Unbound: The Future of Higher Education and What It Means for Students) lead a panel on the challenges facing...

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Back to College - Changing Mindsets

Posted by Admin Admin on Tuesday, August 21, 2012, In : Trends & Society 
Seasons are important milestones in our lives.   Back to school is one of those seasons that I find useful to consider how things in the world are changing.  It is easy to consider that the grad students who taught classes 20 years ago are now being replaced by online courses taught by professors.  Is it better or worse - probably hard to tell. 

What is different is the mindset and insights of the students who arrive in any class.

A brief article in Inside Higher Ed by

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Great Discussion by Mark Suster on Valuation Considerations

Posted by Admin Admin on Monday, June 6, 2011, In : Venture Capital 
Sometimes what I try to do with these blog posts are to help compile some of the best thinking that has already been published.    I am a big believer that most new ventures are not a fit for traditional venture capital.  Most new ventures are either not venture ready or not actually a high-potential venture where venture funding makes sense.   That doesn't mean that the venture should not raise capital, only that venture funds may not be the best fit or best use of a Founders time.

This is a ...

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New Business - the engine for jobs and recovery

Posted by John Fees on Friday, November 6, 2009, In : Entrepreneurship 
This is a useful insight by the Koffaman Foundation regarding the real source of new employment. For anyone worried about a jobless economic recovery, we should take the focus off of just small business and look to how our nation supports innovation. Today's WSJ article by Carl Schramm, Robert Litan and Dane Strangler correctly points out the facts behind job growth. "The conventional wisdom is that such businesses account for half of the labor force and are therefore the engine of future...
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About Me

John Fees John Fees is an entrepreneur, strategic marketing executive and business leader in the fields of affinity, collegiate and partnership marketing. During the course of his career, John has founded and led successful companies specializing in strategic marketing and media, affinity, partnership marketing and financial services. Currently, he serves as the co-founder & managing director of NGI Group. NGI Group is a large shareholder in portfolio companies including GradGuard, MassDrive & MyLifeProtected.