True Grit

November 1, 2011
There are several excellent articles and videos on the importance of Grit to high achieving people.   This relates as much to new ventures, entrepreneurship as it does parents.

The bottom line is that Grit helps us understand why talent alone does not always achieve the most.   Talent is of course diverse, but the ability to persevere, to be industrious, to be diligent and to do so day after day, year after year - is what helps to define Grit.

This video is worth watching as is the story from the New York Times magazine - which appeared recently.

Steve Wynn's Interview and Anger Are Appropriate Even More Today than in 2010

July 31, 2011
The entire budget fiasco and inability for the US Government to deal with the budget debt and required compromises is another illustration of what an empire in decline may look like.

At the end of this video - Steve Wynn's quote from Alexis de Tocqueville  is perfect.   Another quote from de Tocqueville that fits today's climates - is "A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it."

Watch this video and ask yourself where are the s...

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Great Discussion by Mark Suster on Valuation Considerations

June 6, 2011
Sometimes what I try to do with these blog posts are to help compile some of the best thinking that has already been published.    I am a big believer that most new ventures are not a fit for traditional venture capital.  Most new ventures are either not venture ready or not actually a high-potential venture where venture funding makes sense.   That doesn't mean that the venture should not raise capital, only that venture funds may not be the best fit or best use of a Founders time.

This is a ...

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Thoughtful Time

April 23, 2011
Holiday weekends are great moments to reflect and think about our lives.  I am not sure where I heard the following quote, but I think it is profound as we try to make sense of the world around us. 

"we live in an era where we enjoy a wealth of information but a poverty of knowledge."

I often say that the first job of a leader is to define reality - not as they might want - but as it is.   Reality may appear different depending on your perspective, but the leaders who have the time to demon...
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Reid Hoffman's 10 Rules of Entrepreneurship -

March 28, 2011
There are many good lists and ideas to consider for entrepreneurs.  The best advice I find come from serial entrepreneurs such as Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn.

What follows are some of his comments from the 2011 South by Southwest Interactive conference in Austin, he recited a list of 10 rules of entrepreneurship.   Hoffman, who is now a partner at venture firms Greylock Partners, cautioned that he “reserves the right” to change the list later on. But for now, here are his rul...
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About Me

John Fees John Fees is an entrepreneur, strategic marketing executive and business leader in the fields of affinity, collegiate and partnership marketing. During the course of his career, John has founded and led successful companies specializing in strategic marketing and media, affinity, partnership marketing and financial services. Currently, he serves as the co-founder & managing director of NGI Group. NGI Group is a large shareholder in portfolio companies including GradGuard, MassDrive & MyLifeProtected.