College, Life and Careers

July 15, 2014

The recent graduation season has made me reflect a bit more about the value of college to building both a life and career. The value of a higher education is much more than just increasing the skills or knowledge of a student. I firmly believe that a college education - particularly a liberal arts education - has tremendous value in shaping how a person thinks for a life-time.

How we think last a life time. The ability to see problems as opportunities. The ability to think complete thoughts - such as completing a complex math formula or formulating a view of a book or philosophy are useful to forming the basis of building an intentional life.

While some people (Peter Thiel) suggests that a college education may not be worth the investment, I view a college education as more than just a personal benefit but one, that when done right, can benefit an entire society.

I think this diagram (not sure who designed it first) is particularly useful to share with people of all ages. There are always tradeoffs between life and career choices, but completing a college education gives young people the insights and confidence that can serve them well for a lifetime.

Read more at my post on LinkedIn


ASU Education Innovation Summit

April 13, 2013
For those of my friends interested in education, the 4th annual ASU Education Innovation Summit is a tremendous event.  Forbes magazine has called it "the can't miss education innovation event".  

GSV Advisors have done an excellent job collaborating with Arizona State University.  As an ASU alum, I am very pleased to see the good that is resulting from this summit.  Give Michael Crow credit for finding new ways to collaborate and to inspire new approaches by industry leaders to address the p...
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In the Arena - Start-Up Life

November 20, 2012
This is an excellent article for anyone interested in some insights into the grit required to build a high potential venture.   This article by Entrepreneur turned Venture Capitalist - Mark Suster from GRP Partners is excellent. 

It reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt's quote - about “The Man in the Arena” tells us that the man we should praise is the man who’s out there fighting the big battles, even if those battles end in defeat. In our day, when cynicism and aloof detachment are conside...
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No Fear

September 4, 2012
This is a wonderful message by an outstanding person and entrepreneur - Michael Lazerow - the cofounder of BuddyMedia.   I met Michael through his efforts to build UWire - which became to the college media market what the Associated Press to national journalists.  He has always been modest, funny and inspirational.  He is also brilliant and this video shows that he filled with gratitude and a mindset that sets him a part.

According to Mashable...

"Buddy Media is not a brand most consumers wo...

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Back to College - Changing Mindsets

August 21, 2012
Seasons are important milestones in our lives.   Back to school is one of those seasons that I find useful to consider how things in the world are changing.  It is easy to consider that the grad students who taught classes 20 years ago are now being replaced by online courses taught by professors.  Is it better or worse - probably hard to tell. 

What is different is the mindset and insights of the students who arrive in any class.

A brief article in Inside Higher Ed by

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About Me

John Fees John Fees is an entrepreneur, strategic marketing executive and business leader in the fields of affinity, collegiate and partnership marketing. During the course of his career, John has founded and led successful companies specializing in strategic marketing and media, affinity, partnership marketing and financial services. Currently, he serves as the co-founder & managing director of NGI Group. NGI Group is a large shareholder in portfolio companies including GradGuard, MassDrive & MyLifeProtected.