I am keenly interested in innovations in how society approaches learning. Outstanding content is always the starting point for great learning. With content as the base assumption there are many considerations for how which mediums to convey this content to students. The written word is still very powerful and I believe an integral part of many of the most effective approaches. Three companies that I have invested in approach learning in different ways. Flypaper enables content to be delivered in through powerful presentations. Atheneum Learning and Expert Negotiator are both experts in their respective fields.
So why the question - Best Year Yet? In part because I read the book in 2009 and think it has an effective model that integrates good content with multiple-mediums. It isn't the best example of the potential of online learning, but it is a good example of what works and importantly includes the follow-on tools necessary to improve the effectiveness of the online learning. I recommend reviewing -
Best Year Yet and consider for a moment what learning objectives you have not only for yourself but for your organizations.