Seasons are important milestones in our lives. Back to school is one of those seasons that I find useful to consider how things in the world are changing. It is easy to consider that the grad students who taught classes 20 years ago are now being replaced by online courses taught by professors. Is it better or worse - probably hard to tell.
What is different is the mindset and insights of the students who arrive in any class.
A brief article in Inside Higher Ed by Scott Jaschik reports that once again Beloit
College has released its annual
"mindset list" -- helping all of us understand that freshmen students didn't experience the same things that
may have shaped their professors. Some highlights of the new list,
released today:
For the entering class, most born in 1994:
Kurt Cobain, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Richard Nixon and John Wayne Gacy have always been dead.
They have always lived in cyberspace, addicted to a new generation of “electronic narcotics.”
If they miss "The Daily Show," they can always get their news on YouTube.
Robert De Niro is thought of as Greg Focker's long-suffering father-in-law, not as Vito Corleone or Jimmy Conway.
Bill Clinton is a senior statesman about whose presidency they have little knowledge.
They have never seen an airplane “ticket.”
For most of their lives, maintaining relations between the U.S. and
the rest of the world has been a woman’s job in the State Department.
Their folks have never gazed with pride on a new set of bound encyclopedias on the bookshelf.
The full list, plus previous year's lists, may be found here.